Thursday, January 27, 2011

Am I my "sister's keeper?

    Here’s an unspoken truth: Most men respect & are most loyal to their “brotherhood” than women are to their “sisterhood”. A female would betray her friend first before a man would betray his boy. A female would hate on, be jealous, talk about & envy her friend before a man would do any of this to his boy. I find it so sad yet fascinating in a weird way that women act this way towards one another today. Where does this mentality come from to instantly not like another woman because of how she looked at you or because she rubbed you the wrong way the first time you met her? Are women born this way? 

    “Sisterhood” seems to be a dying breed in this world today even amongst women who are blood sisters. It seems that most women just are not strong enough nor have enough security & self confidence in themselves to be able to uplift another woman. Most women don’t appear to be able to congratulate or give a compliment to another woman without a sarcastic remark or funny look. Why as women does it seem so hard to be sincerely happy for another woman? Why do we hate on each other so much & why is this a PHENOMENALLY big trend? Men are such better friends to each other than us women. Men will be there for their “brother”. Men will not gossip about, & judge their “brother” no way near as much as women do. Men are rarely in competition with each other as oppose to us women who try to compete with one another on a regular basis. Most men won’t care about what another man is capable of or is doing while women will be oh so concerned about another female & her actions.

    True friendships amongst women are rare to find. The ones who are there for you no matter what, support you in everything you do & are 100% loyal & true at all times. The saying goes “keep your friends close & your enemies even closer”. I think that should be reversed. You should keep your enemies close & your friends even closer because your friends are your blind spot. They can backstab you & betray you before you even see it coming. Women need to unite & empower one another, not tear down & try to destroy each other. We as women were made strong. Our bodies can give life & endure the tremendous pain that comes with the process of doing so. We can love & take care of our families all on our own. When we are in love, there's nothing we wouldn't do for our significant other. We are fighters & survivors! We all have a fire inside us that allows us to keep going despite what it looks like & the adversities we may face. We have “women’s intuition” which is considered our sixth sense that is a feeling we get or inner voice we use as guidance to know if something’s about to happen, something’s wrong or doesn’t feel right without a reason & before it even occurs.

    We are all unique & shouldn’t hate on one another just because one has certain qualities or looks better than the other. If you have been through something that you made it out of & you see another woman going through the same thing, tell her how you got over. Motivate & encourage her to keep going. Don’t talk about, laugh at & judge her. Help her! What she is going through today could be your own situation tomorrow. You have to be careful when you put your mouth on people. To be blunt, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THE “CATTY” BULLSHIT! We will never fully grow as a people if we continuously knock each other down. That goes for all genders & races. Now I know some women might not like what I’m saying nor agree because they're probably one of the females that do the things I'm talking about but this is just my opinion on the matter.

    We women are divine creatures. Men would not last very long on this earth without us. James Brown said it best, “it’s a man’s world but it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl”. Let’s STEP IT UP, GROW UP & be our BEST to ourselves as well as EACH OTHER!

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