Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh you're a Good Woman ?

    “Men bashing” is a constant & the most popular conversation amongst women. You hear it all the time. “Girl Derek sorry no having a job ass is working my last nerve’, “I swear Reggie  is such an asshole, he thinks everything revolves around his cocky ho ass” or  “You know Kevin is making Kayla pay him alimony because she makes more than him. He aint shit nor a real man”.  The list goes on & on like the energizer bunny but one thing a majority of women always say & generalize is men are no good. Yes it’s true, there are a lot of men out there who are just straight up trifling & no good; however there’s also a lot of trifling no good women.  I find it baffling when a woman goes on a public rant about a guy she says is no good but she’s no better. It’s ridiculous & hypocritical because she can easily & quickly point & air out his faults & wrongs but won’t do the same for her own.  
    Most women will not & do not want to acknowledge that they are just as trifling & no good as the men the talk about. I don’t agree with the saying “A no good woman became that way because she dealt with a no good man”.  There’s a growing population of women who are like that all on their own. You can’t blame someone else for your actions & behavior. Period! Indeed, we all go through different situations & have dealt with men we shouldn’t have but at the end of the day how you come out of it & your mentality afterwards is all up to you. If you allow your past & present situations & circumstances to define you instead of propel you to do better, then you have succumb to a losing mentality & you’ll never be able to rise above them.  
    In society, it’s supposed to be that all women have a good heart, are caring, loving, and blah blah blah. Well if you didn’t already know, this is not the case. A lot of women today have taken on men tendencies, meaning, trying to have & play different men at the same time & using their seduction & manipulating ways to coerce them into doing & buying things for them.  These no good women are very conveying, manipulative, trifling, extremely seductive & heart breakers. They will do whatever is necessary & usually have “good game” to get their way with little or no concern for the other person & their feelings. You can’t tell them they’re wrong because they can come up with all types of excuses & stories to justify their actions. They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. It seems that these no good women have ether forgotten or never knew what is to be & act like a truly classy lady. Dignity, self-respect, morals & integrity are all foreign attributes to these women. 
    Here’s another side to it, women say all the time they want a good man. They want this man to possess all these wonderful qualities & traits. However, you have to ask yourself, do you have the same wonderful qualities & traits that you expect & want out of him to offer in return? You can’t just take & not give especially in relationships.  A friend of mine said on Facebook the other day “You’re looking for Mr. Right while you’re still Ms. Wrong”.  You expect perfection in someone else but yet are mediocre yourself. 2 plus 2 does not equal to 10 so something isn’t adding up. We need to learn how to efficiently self-evaluate! Check Yourself! Correct Yourself!


  1. Love, love, love it! I definitely agree that women are taking on new roles and becoming bitter for their OWN actions! I've always said that you need to be confident, well-rounded and be the type of person you would want in your own life. A lot of us are still on a journey to getting there. Some of us never will! Keep up the great work hun!
