Thursday, October 21, 2010

See it. Believe it. Do it.

     So many times life throws things at us that make us lose sight of our dreams & aspirations & we put them on the back burner so to speak. We have time consuming jobs, families to take care of, financial worries etc etc etc.  But when you know you are meant for more in life & want more out of life why wouldn’t you go for it? When you know you’re destined for greatness it’s impossible to settle for anything less. No matter what’s going on in your life there should be that inside kick of determination & drive to propel you to get what you want & become what you were meant to be. We all want to be successful but you have to put in the work to get there, no one is going to hand you anything. Your vision for your life is your guide. You have to See where it is you want to go & what you what to become, Believe that you can achieve it & Do what is necessary to get it. Remember not to tell everyone your business because everyone isn’t going to be happy for you, even the ones who say they are. When people see you doing your thing & striving for success, they are going to come at you with their negativity. Their goal will be to try to make you doubt yourself & tell you that the impossible isn’t possible. You can’t let their words effect you.  When you think you can do something that’s when you should know you can, fail to doubt. Don’t let your talents go to waste & your gifts lye dormant because of your doubts & fears.  You speak those things that you want in life into existence & believe & have faith that they shall come to past. No one has to see, believe nor understand your dreams & vision but make it your reality so they all will bear witness to your destiny. Fulfill your destiny so that it'll be a testimony on how you made it & inspire someone else on how to make it.  We are given life to live it. Are you truly living yours?  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scared of Lonely?

    Everybody goes through problems in their relationship. No one’s relationship is ever perfect. That’s just life. But an extreme pet peeve of mine is when people are in relationships that are unhealthy & they know they shouldn’t be in but stay in anyway. We all know someone who is in a relationship right now that isn’t benefiting them in anyway. The question I always ask is why do you stay?  The only thing I can think of as a reason is that they’re scared to be alone. Putting yourself in a relationship that is not giving you any type of growth or even true love is just beyond stupidity. Being in unhealthy relationships only show what you think of yourself. It’s a mindset. Maybe you have insecurities that you don’t know how to overcome. You don’t feel pretty enough, you aren’t a model size, or people have always talked down to you & say negative things to you so you believe it. Maybe it’s a cycle that runs in your family. Your grandmother, mother, sister or aunt have all been in unhealthy relationships that you have witnessed & because they never got out of them, it made you think it was ok. WRONG! Why dumb down yourself just to fit in with your partner? No one can give you substance nor serve a purpose in your life if they don’t have substance & a purpose in theirs. I know people who were once doing good for themselves when they were single that are now not doing anything at all because of who they’re attached to. I’m not blaming the person they’re with, I’m blaming them. I’m blaming them for not having the common sense to realize that their relationship is not a good nor productive one. When you’re doing great for yourself & then you meet someone & you’re not doing as great as you were before you met them that should be your wakeup call. If your life isn’t increasing but rather decreasing than that’s when you should know to give them the deuces. Detach yourself from the things that are hindering you.  I’ll be damned if I’m going to be with someone who I allow to stump my personal growth & block my blessings. I’m not that hard up to be with just anybody so I can say I have somebody. Women as well as men need to learn how to treat potential partners as a job application. Meaning if they don’t meet the requirements then they can’t get the job. It should be that simple. Know your value. Know your worth.  Be in relationships that are positive, productive, healthy, balanced, build a strong foundation & have growth for you as a couple as well as separately. Always remember you deserve nothing but the best & never settle for anything or anyone less than that. Don’t be with just anybody because you’re scared of lonely.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


      A few weeks ago I watched the movie The Notebook for the first time. Yes I know it came out six years ago but I finally decided that I wanted to see what was so special about it six years later. What can I say; I’m always late on things. Anyway, after watching the movie it instantly became one of my all time favorites. To give you the cliff notes version of the film, young couple named Noah & Allie fall in love, gets torn apart because Allie has to move, goes years without seeing each other, finally reconnects & gets back together permanently. Now while they were apart, Noah had other women he hooked up with that resembled Allie but he never gave himself to them whole heartedly because they weren’t her. He was simple passing time. Same for Allie, she got engaged to another man but once she saw a photo of Noah in the newspaper she realized that her heart was still with him as well & went to where he was. With that being said, my question is is it wrong to believe that a woman can actual be irreplaceable to a man or vice versa? I mean sure Beyonce’s song Irreplaceable says don’t you ever think for a second that you’re irreplaceable but what if you really are? We all possessive something special & unique, that’s what makes us different.  When it comes to love & being truly & deeply in love, shouldn’t your significant other be irreplaceable? Don’t we all want that one person that makes us feel that way & means it? I personally want to have that one man who’s the right man for me feel like I’m irreplaceable & I want to feel that way about him as well.  No matter how many boyfriends or girlfriends we each have had, it lead us to be better suited for each other because when you think about it, we want that one person that was specifically made for us & no one else. This obviously would make our significant other irreplaceable. I sincerely believe that there is that one person out there that was specifically made for each of us. Noah said a line that struck me deep. He said that Allie was his home. Meaning that everything he needs & wants is wherever she is. I just thought that was so profound.  Now a days most men look for a woman who is their right now instead of forever. Same can be said for women.  With the kind of times we are living in now, are their men & women out their looking for that one person to call their home, to be their irreplaceable? I truly believe in my heart there is. It’s just a matter of taking the chance no matter how many times love has screwed you over & having the faith & patience to find out.