Thursday, October 7, 2010


      A few weeks ago I watched the movie The Notebook for the first time. Yes I know it came out six years ago but I finally decided that I wanted to see what was so special about it six years later. What can I say; I’m always late on things. Anyway, after watching the movie it instantly became one of my all time favorites. To give you the cliff notes version of the film, young couple named Noah & Allie fall in love, gets torn apart because Allie has to move, goes years without seeing each other, finally reconnects & gets back together permanently. Now while they were apart, Noah had other women he hooked up with that resembled Allie but he never gave himself to them whole heartedly because they weren’t her. He was simple passing time. Same for Allie, she got engaged to another man but once she saw a photo of Noah in the newspaper she realized that her heart was still with him as well & went to where he was. With that being said, my question is is it wrong to believe that a woman can actual be irreplaceable to a man or vice versa? I mean sure Beyonce’s song Irreplaceable says don’t you ever think for a second that you’re irreplaceable but what if you really are? We all possessive something special & unique, that’s what makes us different.  When it comes to love & being truly & deeply in love, shouldn’t your significant other be irreplaceable? Don’t we all want that one person that makes us feel that way & means it? I personally want to have that one man who’s the right man for me feel like I’m irreplaceable & I want to feel that way about him as well.  No matter how many boyfriends or girlfriends we each have had, it lead us to be better suited for each other because when you think about it, we want that one person that was specifically made for us & no one else. This obviously would make our significant other irreplaceable. I sincerely believe that there is that one person out there that was specifically made for each of us. Noah said a line that struck me deep. He said that Allie was his home. Meaning that everything he needs & wants is wherever she is. I just thought that was so profound.  Now a days most men look for a woman who is their right now instead of forever. Same can be said for women.  With the kind of times we are living in now, are their men & women out their looking for that one person to call their home, to be their irreplaceable? I truly believe in my heart there is. It’s just a matter of taking the chance no matter how many times love has screwed you over & having the faith & patience to find out.

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